God’s! The World’s! Our Surroundings! Circumstances! Other People! Our Parents…!
It’s easy to blame others, to live our lives as victims, casting responsibility away.
But there’s another way… You can break that old pattern.
Recognize that where we are today, only we are responsible for our lives.
And when we do, we gain the power:
- to change it,
- to move forward from where we are,
- to believe in ourselves and our potential,
- to start creating a life where we feel joy and fulfillment flowing from every step we take.
It is only by owning our lives that we can change them.
This is the turning point.
The decisive moment.
How often do we say: “If only I had known then what I know now, my life would be different.” Or: “I wish I knew what I know today when I was younger.”
But we don’t act on what we already know. We stay stuck.
We can only walk a new path by taking responsibility for our lives.
When we realize that what “happens” to us is really something we’ve caused, we can change it.
We can do something about it.
If, however, we believe it’s always someone else’s fault, then we remain trapped.
We stay in circumstances that don’t serve us because “it’s in their hands,” and we feel powerless to change it.
And so we stand still, locked in the same patterns, situations that don’t serve us, not just for years but sometimes for a lifetime.
We blame others for our failures, denying ourselves the chance to break free.
We can’t change the world, other people, systems, or society’s structure.
But we can change our mindset, our behavior toward what’s happening around us!
That’s where we reclaim the power to decide over our own lives.
We can pause. Pause and reflect on how we ended up here.
What decisions led to this?
What mistakes did we make?
What did we fight against, and what did we accept?
What were we determined to oppose, and what did we stubbornly cling to?
What did we deny while approving other things?
What did we follow blindly, never questioning?
How did we reach the point where we stopped liking our own lives?
How did we create a life that doesn’t serve us, and even harms us?
Let’s ask ourselves: how many times have we deceived others? And how often have we deceived ourselves?
How many times have we lied, even to ourselves, convincing ourselves it was for our own good?
In the answers, we’ll find a new way to act.
After asking ourselves these questions, we will see that neither the world, nor people, nor God put us here.
By taking responsibility for our past decisions, digging deep into them, analyzing our actions, we can begin to make changes.
From right here, right now.
Let’s check where we’re acting against ourselves, appearing moral, yet not entirely true to ourselves.
How often do we sense that something isn’t for us, yet we enter into it anyway, putting ourselves last, just to make others happy?
It’s only through this self-examination that we can trace back to the truth of who we are.
To the space where we are the creators of our lives and have the ability to consciously choose its direction.
I brought myself to the situation I am in today!
Only I did!
With our tendency to delay, we look for excuses.
And we’re good at it.
Excuses like “I don’t have time” or “there’s too much else that needs to be done.”
Things that seem more important than analyzing and improving our lives.
But when we sit down with the decision to find the time, we begin to change the quality of our lives—from some life to a life fully aligned with who we are.
By giving just a moment to “figure out” what isn’t working, we’ll find answers.
We’ll rediscover what makes us feel good, what brings us joy and happiness.
We’ll remember those activities that gave us pleasure as children, which we replaced with things that “pay off.”
Things that are correct, needed, and expected of us by others.
Can we combine the pleasurable with the practical?
We can start learning and growing, to create change in the life we no longer want.
We can learn what we truly want, to move from where we were to where we want to be.
Yes, we might meet resistance in this new approach. It will feel like a test—do we truly want change, or are we just pretending?
Resistance is waiting, rubbing its hands in anticipation of every stumble, wanting us to stay in our comfort zone.
That zone where, though not pleasant, everything is so familiar.
The same paths we’ve walked for years.
We could navigate the depths of our earthly hell with our eyes closed.
I take responsibility for what happens to me!
For the combination of decisions made, for the skills I have—or don’t have!
Let’s realize that only we are responsible for our lives.
And let’s start creating them anew!
If you’ve heard this all before but still stand at a crossroads, this could be your 101st time hearing it.
But maybe this time, it will click, and you will finally start moving toward yourself.