Sound Theraphy

I am a soul residing in a body with the name Renata. I discover, experience, and travel to learn how to support our mind, and how to support the body so that the soul residing in it can fulfill its mission.

I invite you to a world where holistic methods and practices that support your mind and body, combined with intuition, meditation, and manifestations, allow you to achieve deep relaxation. In this state, you create the best conditions for your healing through sound therapy, Access Consciousness Bars, Kodom, and emotional release techniques, as well as meetings based on knowledge from Psychobiology.

Welcome to Younivibe, where your universe will find perfect harmony.

As a certified Quantum and Sound Therapist, Reflexologist, and Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner, I offer holistic therapies that create an oasis for your deep cellular healing.

Sound Therapy

Sound is a mechanical wave that conveys energy and information through particle vibrations. It is a wave that resides in every particle, and when we start to listen to its gentle vibrations, we discover that it is the key to deep harmony in our lives. It all starts with the principle of resonance. Just like a magnet attracts what resonates with our inner self, when we focus on positive thoughts and emotions, we open the doors to more positive energy. What seems abstract becomes reality when we understand that our thoughts and feelings influence what we attract.

Sound therapy is a magical gateway to strengthen this positive energy. Using therapeutic tuning forks, crystal and Tibetan bowls, we embark on a therapeutic journey, restoring our body and soul’s natural rhythm. Their gentle vibrations awaken our immune system, enhancing our body’s self-healing abilities. This is support for those facing physical and mental challenges. Sound therapy techniques manifest in various forms, but they all share a common goal: restoring balance and harmony.

Bioresonance techniques direct our thoughts toward a positive path while helping with the function of our internal organs.

Cleansing and balancing chakras is another step in balancing energy, while vibrational Otto acupressure therapy helps with bone-related issues. For those sensitive to needles, vibrational sound massage, acupressure, and reflexology techniques offer an alternative, restoring the balance of the body’s Qi and meridians.

Let’s not forget the magic of beauty – skin techniques help with various skin issues, smoothing wrinkles, and adding shine to hair. And the interval technique? It’s peace for our nervous system, deep relaxation, and tissue nourishment.

The power of sound and vibration penetrates our cells, bringing healing and peace. The vibrations and sounds of therapeutic tuning forks restore health balance and harmonize our inner self. Sound therapy resonates deeply in your cells, speeding up the healing process, alleviating anxiety, and increasing concentration. It helps reduce inflammation, supports memory improvement, pain relief, and enables peaceful sleep.

Sound is a therapy that reflects the unlimited source of the world’s energy and vibrations, along with the ability to heal in a non-invasive, profound way, on a cellular level.

Customized sessions tailored to your needs guarantee the best results for your mental and physical health.