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7 challenges – psychological fun

Good morning, good evening, have a beautiful day and night,
Today, after our 7 challenges, it’s a day for some psychological fun. First choose a character, then read the description!
Which number of the 21 people in the tree do you resonate with? Look at the photo before reading the text below….
This simple psycho-emotional test was inspired by Pip Willson’s method and may reveal interesting information about you.
Pip Willson is a psychologist and trainer known all over the world for his very simple method, thanks to which he manages to help people find their maximum potential and balance in life. The Blob Tree method gives you the opportunity to identify and discuss your feelings. By placing many different objects in the same environment, it allows you to choose one that you can refer to. There is an opportunity here to stop thinking and notice your current mood and attitude.

If you chose Character 2 or 3, you are an ambitious and self-confident person. You know that you will always succeed, that favorable situations will always arise that will help you progress.
Character number 1 is a self-confident person, satisfied with his life and optimistic. He is an intelligent person with perspective.
Character number 21 is a person who tries but does not know how to find the best solutions for his life. He is a little man who must learn to ask for help from those around him and abandon his suspicious nature.
If you chose a character of 9, 19 or 4, it defines you as an unsociable, suspicious and self-confident person. A person with number 19 may have narcissistic tendencies and is jealous of the successes of others.

The character number 4 gives up too quickly and does not believe in his extraordinary potential. And little man number 9 will do anything to prove that he is also wonderful, but he runs away into loneliness. This is how he justifies his distrust of others.
People 7, 11, 12 are communicative people who can support their friends. These people are characterized by high emotional intelligence, which helps them deal effectively with life situations. They have team spirit, see the bright side and constantly find solutions.
A character with number 5 is creative, loves life, enjoys every moment. He loves and knows how to be grateful for all the good things that surround him. This helps him keep a positive attitude and therefore always has the door open for the best!
A character with the number 6 has a need to feel loved, protected and safe. He is the type of person who always falls in love with the wrong person because of his great need for affection and love. This little human must learn to look more carefully for those who can help him in his evolution, rather than those who do not understand his sensitivities.

Little hero number 13 is full of despair and loss of hope. He must do everything in his power to recalibrate himself to the tree of life and then he will be able to easily regain his confidence in himself by seeking the support of his loved ones!
People with numbers 16, 17 and 18 are optimistic, full of life, like teamwork, can cope in any field and look at challenges with a distance. A person with the number 18 likes to feel loved and appreciated, and when they feel this, they become your best friend!
The character number 14 is a soul, a philanthropist, he would do anything to help others. She is characterized by great empathy and a “great soul”. However… this person should learn to take care of himself too, not just others!

Winners are people 10, 15 and 20. They love the taste of success, even if everyone has different ways to achieve it. Number 20 is ambitious, confident and full of life, an innovator and not afraid to take risks. His distance and passion bring him many achievements and satisfaction.
The character number 10 is ambitious, but also very cautious. She is hard-working and determined, which is why she succeeds in almost everything she wants. His ideas always stand out and he is appreciated in every environment. A man with the number 15 is motivated by the beauty of the path to success, not the success itself. He is curious about learning new things, gaining new experiences, meeting people and learning something from each of them.

The character with the number 8 is a dreamer and a romantic. He likes to have moments just for himself. In this way, he regains energy and mood for life and socialization. It is good for people close to her to notice her need for isolation and not misinterpret it. They understood her and gave her the space she needs.
Which number resonated with you?
For all readers, a reminder, having fun with fun, happiness, joy, freedom and success depends only on you.

With love and light,

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