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Teach your child, the one who lives inside you!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“Teach your inner child, who has never known or felt real love, that love is unconditional. This self-love is how we know our worth
Teach your inner child that happiness lives within them because they’re gorgeous, amazing and perfect. By multiplying happiness, it grows in us and in others.
Teach your inner child that the possibilities are endless. What opens and closes the door to making their dreams come true. Remind them of the power that lives within them and that they can use, like a self-fulfilling promise. Whether they think they can or they won’t, they’re right. Let them have as many supportive thoughts as possible, so that their life will be filled with delight.
Teach your inner child that life is an experience made up of different adventures. Those that rise and those that fall.
Teach your inner child that there are as many opinions as there are people. There is no need to become dependent of people. Everyone has the right to take care of their inner child and keep them happy. Your inner child will always have faith in you. Teach your inner child that gratitude is joy. Use your smile to light up your world. To give thanks for every day because each day brings new opportunities.

Teach them that everything flows. Sad and happy moments will pass. It’s not worth getting hung up on any of them. You can take advantage of these moments and they will help you grow and bloom. Teach your inner child, remind them that they have guardian in yourself who will take care of their every need. Thanks to you, all the gaps from childhood are filled, and you give them the love and support they’ve needed for so long. And this child can grow and become mature because of your care.
Walk the path where you teach your child and yourself the truth. Turn good words into  good actions.

With gratitude and love,

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Renata
Therapies for body*mind*spirit
January 7, 2023[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

 Heal yourself with softness and understanding.
Dance, walk, sing, paint, write, use life to get to know what you have inside. As you teach yourself, share with others. Others will follow your example, they will imitate you before they find their way. A path to self-love, thanks to which they will find joy in the world around them.
Every spark of love lights a fire.
It all starts with us.
Continue to spread the light with love, with joy.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Jack

    Yeah, I do experiencing it in the frequent number of times, these days.. It has been really better way I feels up towards the healthier and hassle-free life 🙂

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